Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Second Industrial Revolution

Answer the following questions by posting your answers on this blog: This should be finished during class and should not be a part of your homework for this weekend!

1. What is considered to be the Second Industrial Revolution?
2. What time period is it consdiered to have spanned?
3. What made it different to the Ist Industrial Revolution?
4. What important metal was replaced with another in the Second Industrial Revolution? Why was it an improvement for the world?
5. List the (5) inventions that came out of the Second Industrial Revolution that were the most important to the world. Include why you think these 5 were the most important.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Assignment Nov 30 - Dec 4

Describe how your surroundings are different in China from what you experience in San Diego.

Try to view things in the ways that we attempted to look at the world during our discussions of globalization in our SOCCOM class.

Possible comparisons and contrasts to consider in your report:

Differences in infrastructure
Is there evidence of a "green" movement in China?
How do people in China view America?
What do Chinese people think of Barack Obama's recent visit to China?
Find out the structure of the local government-- how is it different from Carlsbad and San Diego? How is it similar? Do the people have a voice in their local officials?
Ask around-- how many people have high-speed internet access at home?
What kind of medical care do people have access to compared to us?

Post your responses and also be prepared to respond to any posts/ questions that might arise from your PRS classmates