Wednesday, January 27, 2010

2nd Non-Violence Assignment

Your research of individuals who used non-violence as a form of resistance continues today with an examination of the life of Mohandas Ghandi.
Please answer the following questions using full sentences:

What is satyagraha? Do you think that it could actually work today? Why or why not?

Explain what happened to Ghandi when he lived in South Africa? What was he fighting against?

What was Ghandi's role in World War I? Why do you think that it could be considered strange that he decided to assist the British in this conflict?

Expalin what happened during the Salt March. How was Ghandi involved?

Describe how Ghandi was assasinated. Who killed him and why?

Why is Ghandi considered to have been one of the most important individuals to have lived during the 20th century?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cry Freedom Assignment

This assignment will require you to report on the life of Donald Woods. Describe Wood's job as editor-in-chief at the Daily Dispatch newspaper in East London. Under the guidance of Woods what was the paper's stance on aparthied? Describe Wood's relationship with Steven Biko. Describe why Woods became "banned" by the South African government. How did Woods and his family escape from South Africa? What did Woods do to further the fight against aparthied while living in England? What did he do when he came to the United States?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Non-Violence Assignment

Do some research on Nelson Mandela and his struggle against apartheid in South Africa. How did Mandela attempt to battle the white South African government? Was Mandela's approach violent or non-violent? Provide some examples to support your answer. Do you think that Mandela used the correct method(s) for resisting apartheid?

This reponse should be a minimum of 200 words and should be posted no later than 12:25 pm Monday 1/25