Thursday, November 19, 2009

Assignment Nov 30 - Dec 4

Describe how your surroundings are different in China from what you experience in San Diego.

Try to view things in the ways that we attempted to look at the world during our discussions of globalization in our SOCCOM class.

Possible comparisons and contrasts to consider in your report:

Differences in infrastructure
Is there evidence of a "green" movement in China?
How do people in China view America?
What do Chinese people think of Barack Obama's recent visit to China?
Find out the structure of the local government-- how is it different from Carlsbad and San Diego? How is it similar? Do the people have a voice in their local officials?
Ask around-- how many people have high-speed internet access at home?
What kind of medical care do people have access to compared to us?

Post your responses and also be prepared to respond to any posts/ questions that might arise from your PRS classmates


Webber said...

Hi Carmel! We are all sitting together here in 6th period SOCCOM. We are gearing up to communicate with you on this forum. Please re-email your malaria video to your group. They are asking that you export it this time rather than simply dragging it to your email.

Mashal said...

Hi Carmel, how are you doing in China, is it fun???? We all miss you, so you soon!!!!!!!

Tristan Ruh said...

Hey Carmel hows china!

megan said...

Hi Carmel! How's China? Are there any fast food places there that are similar to here? Could you please export the video and not drag it to the e-mail, it's not working. Have fun. Talk to you soon. megan

Lawrence Chen '15 said...

Hi Carmel,

Hows China? Is it fun? The last time I went to China was when I was visiting my grandma in the hospital. I hope that you are okay..........really, this is an assignment from Mr. Webber..................

Post ya later,
Lawrence Chen

Unknown said...

Hey Carmel, I was wondering if your homework load is BIGGER or smaller than here.
Julia :)

megan said...

hi carmel,
how many hours of homework do people in middle and high school have a night? do people work really hard? do u think that its necesary?

megan said...

in a movie we watched it said that american students don't care nearly as much in academics as students in china. how much do people care there? do u have a lot of chinese hw?

Mashal said...

Hi Carmel, is the school that you go to in China harder than it is at PRS?

Mashal said...

Hi Carmel, do the people in China act more like a community than they do here? Does everyone know everybody else?

Teagan said...

Hi Carmel (again) just in case you were confused, I could not get onto the site so I posted something from Mashal's name. My name is at the bottom. But, I was also wondering how you like school(or how you will like it if you haven't started by the time you read this). Are people really motivated at your school more than here? If they did not have to, would they still try hard at school? Is it more of a cultural thing, or do their teachers/time at school push them to work harder?

Unknown said...

Hi Carmel!!! How is China? Are you having a good time? Do kids spend more hours doing their homework compared to here? Have a great rest of your trip!!!!! We miss you!

megan said...

hi carmel how are you? how different is china from the US?
megan :)

Teagan said...

Hi Carmel! I hope you are having a great time in China. Do the people where you are think that we should be trying to be a greener place? We talked about the Kyoto Protocol in class, and how the United States was the only country who has not signed it yet. The leader of Australia is trying to convince Obama to sign it. Is it something on the news in China? Do they want us to sign it? If this is not important in China, what is the big breaking news right now?
By the way, our group has been trying to contact you through email, phones, and blogging, (sorry if you get a lot of messages) so PLEASE EXPORT, DONT DRAG the video so that we can get it on the email. Thank you!

megan said...

hi carmel ya do what teagan said, sorry if you ARE EXPORTING it. is there any evidence of a "green" movement in china?
have fun:)